This February 28th marks National Skip the Straw Day, a day to remember the impact of single-use plastics and efforts to stem the tide of litter and waste. At GOffee however, our eco-friendly coffee cups help us skip the straw every day.
More plastic than fish in the ocean
With New York City’s plastic bag ban to go into effect in just 2 days, plastic use is at the forefront of New Yorker’s minds; and for good reason. Every year, over 8 million tons of plastic enter the ocean (80% of which originated on land). According to the Environmental Protection Agency, at this rate, by 2050, the world’s oceans will hold more plastic by weight than fish!
According to our friends at For A Strawless Ocean, “Few people realize that straws are among the top 10 items found during beach clean ups and can do so much harm to seabirds, turtles and other marine creatures… And plastic straws are just one of many single-use plastics which end up in the ocean, polluting the water and harming sea life.”
Coffee waste: a growing concern
New York City represents the largest coffee consumer in the United States. In NYC alone, over 5 million cups are sold each day in coffee shops. This generates over 135,000 pounds of waste daily from the plastic cup alone! Add to this the use of plastic straws and stirrers and that number jumps even further. And these numbers will only grow as coffee consumption continues to rise unless measures are taken to minimize the use of single-use plastics.
GOffee is Skipping the Straw with our eco-friendly coffee cups
GOffee is on a mission to not only make employees happier and more energized by delivering personalized coffee, but also to reduce the waste associated with coffee. By delivering beverages in our eco-friendly coffee cups, we replace the single-use items associated with coffee (cups, lids, sleeves, stirrers, k-cups, etc.). So far GOffee has prevented over 16,400 pounds of to-go cup waste to date. For us, it’s skip the straw day every day! Want to join the movement? Ask your office manager about GOffee and take your own pledge to skip the straw with our friends at Ocean Conservancy.