What is an Americano? - Menu Explained

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With origins dating back to WWII, an Americano was originally created by Italians. They tried to mimic Americans’ “filter coffee” for soldiers who were overseas. Now, many decades later, an Americano is one of the most popular drinks in the United States.


It’s simple and beautiful. But do you know how it’s made? What is an Americano?


Americano: A Simple Classic

In short, an Americano is espresso topped with hot water. The two ingredients are layered, not combined. Using an espresso shot results in a thicker, stronger, dark brown coffee which is produced in a matter of seconds, not minutes. Although this drink is fairly easy and less time-consuming than others, the right technique and espresso bean make an Americano great.

Some people prefer to add milk, cream, or sweeteners to soften the intense coffee flavor. However, we suggest keeping that amount to a minimum in order to enjoy the taste!

The strength of the drink varies depending on the number of shots you use, so be sure to maintain a good balance between caffeine and taste as you try to wake yourself up in the morning.


If you have an espresso machine at home, whipping this up should be a breeze. However, if you’re still skeptical about it or if being your own barista isn’t a personal goal, let GOffee make it for you! Pick your favorite beans from your favorite roaster, and we will ensure it tastes excellent.


We realize Americanos aren’t for everyone. If you want something with a sweeter taste, learn more about our lattes and cappuccinos. They are great morning pick-me-ups as well, and you can personalize them to your liking!

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Sadly after 4 years of operations, GOffee delivered it last cup of Coffee on march 1rst 2022.

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All the best to you all,

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